ANSWER: Can track pads be saw-cut?

Bob Doss

New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by Bob Doss on September 06, 2011 at 15:17:49.
The original subject was "Can track pads be sawcut?".

Some years ago, I posted this question, but my original post has been archived. I decided to record my results here in case anyone else has the same question:

I couldn't find a nearby welder who would cut these for me.

I bought several abrasive saw blades from Lowes, and cut the pads with my circular saw.
Very slow going, but it got the job done.

I don't remember, but I think it took like 20-30 abrasive blades. Probably not the cheapest way, but it got the job done in the absence of a competent and willing welder with his own equipment.

The only issue I have experienced is the outside of the pads (which I did NOT cut off) are slowly bending.
So far, no problems other than cosmetic.
Do you plan to weld the bars on? It would seem that getting a torch to cut the bars to length would be one of your least problems. I cut my bars two inches shorter than the pads to allow for the worn corners on the old pads.

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