Case b series disk harrow help


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by Case Nutty 1660 on October 04, 2014 at 10:27:24.
The original subject was "Re: Case b series disk harrow help".

Hey Case Nutty: I found these pics while searching for an image that matches the disc I have.There is no Madel # plate on mine. My unit matches what you are calling a B, except that mine only has single wheels, not doubles like yours. I am looking for parts, we lost a bearing and the inner end plate and shaft end on one of my front sets is badly worn from scrubbing on the other side. If I call this unit a B is that it, or is mine a different model since it has single tires? FYI my unit is @ 10'. Thanks,


the link should take you to the on-line parts book, yes yours can be a "B" series with single wheels as they were a option, I use the Case part # on bearings and get mine from Shoup if this site does not sell them I do not remember if they do
Untitled URL Link

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