draining water fron case 310 crawler

I know the radiator pitcok wont draina 188 diesel ..found out the hard way too ..i tried draining the blok that nite but it was plugged with crud , had been messing with a pesky leak between the head an water pump,, and i was test runnin with water and feeding t the same time with Pops 430,,. when up jumpt the devil.. pops 430 was disabled by a hydrostat steering cylinder comin loose..WELL OF ALL THINGS TO HAPPEN , never had a clue that i had a problem with the steering, and now with the mud and a pigeon toed steering , it was hopeless to bring it home thru those trees and ditches and cow path trails , and i was way on the other end of place ,to compound the problem i had wretched knee and spained ankle injury from the day before ,i had been driving using the hand clutch and it was getting dark quik after i fed the cows way up in the cedar thiket ..broke me off a sassafras stik for a cane and hobbled on home ,wisht i would a let Pops 430 run all nite .would not a used a gallon or 2 of fuel .really thought all would be well with all the cows bedding around the tractor ,, but
pops 430 had a ft long crank at 1st lite,.. cost me 800 to lok stitch thecrack ,, perfect job ,, you cant even tell , not even a clue...i am not proud that happened, and avoided going to the cemetery to visit dad for a month for fear he would kik me in the pants ... 26 degrees and a cold wind was the devils trusty tools .. at 11;30 that nite after finding out how much colder it was gonna get ,. i drove my car around the road and limped over to the tractor to start it ,,,,dam . shoulda brought ether ,, it woulda made it start ,,. as it was ,..it crankt over nice and good til it started to fire as the battery weakend and just could not swing it on up to start ,,..alls i could do was say a prayer of hope that it would indeeddrain the blok , but that was not to be ,. instead i met more good folx that needed my 800 bux more than me ,.. and he did me a swell job ..

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