Anyone Need Anything?

This message is a reply to an archived post by Bryce Frazier on April 27, 2014 at 12:02:11.
The original subject was "Re: Anyone Need Anything?".

I may need the knotter. Paricularly the bill hooks, if it looks close to my case 133 Ill take the knotter whole assy. Please post pic of bill hooks / knotter and I may be very interested.
I have a F95491 billhook for your baler. Back in 1986, sugested retail price was $63.93. $30 bucks and it will be delivered to your door via USPS.
Also have many more Case knotter parts.
E-mail is open in lower RH corner. Contact me there, and we will get it headed your way.
Loren that bill hook is exactly what I need. I would like to set up buying it from you, and maybe some other things that may fit my baler that you might have. I tried to send you a message twice through the YT email link but is seems not to work. My office contact # is 920 831 3136. It has an answering mach so just leave a message if I aint there.


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