Maple Sugar Season has started here at Clinton Camp.

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
The Uncles and cousins started cutting wood for the evaporators yesterday. I will start helping them, Sat. I went up to see what they were doing. They had lots of power, the 5130-2wd on splitter, 5250MFD on dump trailer, and 5240-MFD skidding logs, none of which are handy in the woods with loaders and cabs. The 300 gets off the roads and between most of the trees, so I will cut and skid dead and downers out to them while they block, split and stack. I'm an old fart, so I can sit in the tractor seat, HeHe. My uncle will likely run the control lever on the splitter. He is an older Fart. LOL






Hey Loren, keep taking pics through the intire maple making process. We enjoyed last years. ....this old fart enjoys watching from my inside chair as much as a tractor seat.
I always enjoy your posts, Loren, thanks for taking the time to share with us. Please be sure and share plenty of pics of the sugaring, it's something we don't see around here.
Loren, I enjoy seeing how this job is suppose to be done. I started tapping a few trees in our front yard about 5 yr ago. Takes alot of time to get a couple quarts of syrup the way I have to do it. I have real respect for you guys that do it as a bussiness. Rod.
nice pics , Loren. hows the temps there. 10:30 at night and we have 40 degrees. suppose to get 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches of rain Friday. that might make it run, don't know if my buddy has tapped yet or not.
We don't tap untill mid to late Feb. depending on the weather. If you tap too earley, and sap doesen,t run, bacteria forms in the drilled hole and tap, and then you have to retap. GH Grimm Co. used to sell a "pill" that we inserted in the hole before driving the tap, but it was deamed unhealthy by the gov. We got a lot of wood to cut for the evaporators though, so that's what we are doing.
Like the others of said Loren,I like this season for what you are doing.Do you sell Maple syrup?
I too was wondering if you sell the syrup you harvest? Nothing better than real Maple syrup.
Kow Farmer (Kurt)
Yes to selling the syrup. We sell retail, and wholesale to a couple of mom&pop stores. We will ship also. The price is not set yet this year.
Back when we did this in earnest, we hung 3000plus buckets. It's more of a hobby thing now with only 1000 buckets. There was a 5 year gap with no production due to my dad's health, He was the driving force to make syrup for 70 years. Now a couple of cousins have taken an intrest, and the uncles don't know how to take it easy, and I am retired and bored this time of year, so last year and now this, we are back at it.
If we hadn't have stopped for those 5 years, this 40A sugarbush would have produced Maple Syrup for 104 years continuously by a member of our family. We lost Grandpa in 1972 who started the operation, and Dad died last March shortley after we were able to get him up there for a few hrs. to see the evaporators back up and running. This is the last pic taken of dad and his last outing before his death only a bit over a week later. He was pushing 92. There are 4 generations of our family in the pic.

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