
Well-known Member
This message is a reply to an archived post by Larry Wunderlich on December 13, 2010 at 07:15:47.
The original subject was "Re: ACB plow".

Larry! Maybe I am just a proud owner!, but my 52 B with a home made 3 pt, walks along just fine, with a normal JD two forteens 3 pt plow. I did take the aftermarket 3 pt hitch , off and use it as a pattern, to build a stronger one, though I could have ordered one already made from Tony Carbaugh in Ore., when using the plow, I have the right rear tire moved , as wide as possible, to get a full cut on the 1st moldboard. I am sure that I am bragging, but that little B, will pull as much, as the tires will grip. I use 200 lbs of removeable weights, ahead of the radiator. to keep the front tires down.

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