AC 185 won't run right


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by hunting4fun on January 28, 2014 at 08:27:49.
The original subject was "AC 185 wont run right".

Just to update my post. I finally got my tractor running, most of my delays were because of my job keeping me away from home, however... I found my problems to be a number things together. I had bacteria in my fuel and other things in the tank that don't belong there (sticks, leaves and dirt to name some) so the tank got taken off and cleaned. I concluded that the filters must be bad with all that going on, so they were changed. Lastly and most significantly, as Al Baker told me, the flex ring was bad and I had to get the pump repaired.

Thanks to all that helped, everyone was right on track and all the suggestions helped to get me back running.


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